AMM Conference 2019

John Shin, MD
Dr. John Shin graduated from the Loma Linda University School of Medicine in 2014 and completed his internal medicine residency in 2017 at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. He is currently at Mayo doing a fellowship in hematology/medical oncology and has a burden to share Christ with cancer patients. Because he believes the best way to restore health is to follow God’s laws of healing. Dr. Shin’s research focus is on the effects of lifestyle interventions in patients who are actively undergoing cancer therapy. He is known for incorporating spiritual care into his patient encounters, and he has been invited to share his experience with medical professionals across the U.S. and internationally. He has a heart for medical missions as well and has travelled overseas with his wife, Elisa, who is a dentist by training. Dr. Shin is blessed with three children: Sophia, Charis, and Kyle.

Brian Schwartz, MD
Dr. Brian Schwartz is an interventional cardiologist practicing in Kettering, Ohio. He earned his medical degree from Loma Linda University.
Dr. Schwartz struggled for years with the nagging conviction that medicine should be more than just a job. He longed to make his medical work a healing ministry. His association with AMEN has helped him to integrate Christian spirituality into his practice in a more intentional and natural way. It brings him joy to share with his patients the message that has so touched his heart. He is the current president of AMEN in USA.

Milan Moskala, DDS
Dr Milan Moskala is from Czech Republic. He studied dentistry in Lekarskou Fakultu University Palackeho v Olomouci, and graduated in 1976. Over the years, he worked as the health evangelist in Moravian-Slezian Conference of CASD, as the dentist for the ADRA Mobile Dental project in Bosnia, and also worked and volunteered as missionary dentist from 1998 at Adventist Dental Clinic in Dhaka, Bangladesh, till now. He wants to serve God as His faithful medical missionary until Jesus comes again, and then, he looks forward to witness of His amazing grace and love forever in His Eternal Kingdom.

Junior doctor: Non-specialist (go by gazetment), non-private doctors.
Student: in medical or healthcare professional courses