It was truly a blessing that I was able to join AMM conference held in Penang this year. Since this was the first medical conference in my life, I did not know what to expect out of this conference, just hoping that it could make a difference in my life, be it present or future.
This conference has changed my view on the job of a healthcare professional. In the world of healthcare, most of the time we only focus on physical health. Medical school trains us to be a good doctor that makes accurate diagnosis with good communication skills, but we never learned about spiritual healing. One of the speakers said our job as a healthcare professional is not done yet if we do not bring our patients to Christ. I was also inspired by the testimonies of the speakers on how God has helped them in their daily practice. From the testimonies, I understand the quote ‘God heals, we help’. Medical missionary work is not an easy one, but if we are willing to answer His calling, He will always be there to make everything possible.
During the last day of the conference, the outreach program gave me a chance to serve the community. It was a good platform for us to apply what we have learned in the past few days. I was assigned to be the translator at consultation area. Since I am still a medical student, I learned the way how a doctor should give consultation to their patients. Every qualified doctor could give consultation to any patients, but what makes us different is the part of bringing them closer to Christ. Glad that we did that during the outreach program by introducing them some of the programs offered by the Life Hope Center so they could have the opportunity to know more about Christ in future. Through conversations with people, I understand the needs of society better.
I never regretted joining AMM conference this year. Going into clinical year, I hope I could humble my heart before God and approach the people acceptably. The Right Arm, March on!