And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect~Rom 12:2

This was my first experience for the Adventist Medical Mission (AMM) Conference. It wasn’t something I had in mind of what a conference should be. I even thought the event was going to have people debating on some topics! Over that few days of my participation in the conference, it had my views changed and I have heard so many wonderful testimonies and have gained so much knowledge from all 3 main speakers of the event.

One of the testimonies that has inspired me the most was shared by Dr. Milan Moskala. He spoke about how he had prayed for a patient who was unable to walk before. Through his prayer, God has healed the patient and he was able to walk again! This story has strengthened my faith that God’s miracles do exist even in this modern time.

It was such a blessing that I participated in the breakout session which was led by Dr. John Shin. He spoke about the steps to take if we want a sanctified heart and want our will to be aligned with God’s will. There were 7 key points/steps that Dr. John Shin has planned out for us, and I am delighted to share it to everyone.

1) Put away all known sins in our lives. I couldn’t help but thinking that we are all born with sinful nature, and how easy it is for us to fall into sin. It is a good lesson for me to learn how to put away the sins I have been committing so it doesn’t become a lifelong burden to me.

2) Empty myself of my will and commit myself to doing God’s will, no matter what that turns out to be. This has helped me to realize that I should look upon God’s will and let God by the center of my life. I have to let God to take control of my life.

3) Strengthen my devotional life. Dr. John Shin has emphasized how important it is that it occurred to me that I have to be serious about and that I have to set aside my time for it.

4) Pray constantly and look for evidence of God’s leading. With this I’ve learned to realize how God has worked in my life all this time, and that I have everything to be grateful for.

5) Learn to wait on God’s perfect timing. I’m  learning to understand that any delay in hearing an answer to my prayers is for my own good.

6) Exercise faith. When Dr. John Shin was speaking of this, I felt the Holy Spirit’s touch in my heart right at that moment. It occurred to me that God was telling me to have faith in Him, and no matter what happens, I will still be able to smile about it knowing God will be with me as long as I choose to abide in Him.

7) When I feel convicted of God’s leading, act on it immediately. I came to realized that it is important to just follow through with God’s calling for me and have faith to pursue it and to acknowledge that God’s arrangement is perfect.

With all these guidelines given by Dr. John Shin, I am confident that it will be a lot easier for me to recognize what God’s plan for me and the purpose of my life. Last but not least, the experience I gained during the outreach health screening event had me realize there are many things I can do in order to serve the Lord. God has given me the gift of speaking in Chinese language whereby I was able to help the Chinese speaking community during the event by explaining to them the health information.

It was indeed a blessing that I have learned and experienced so much throughout the AMM Conference. It is a beautiful memory; I have met up with some new friends through this meeting too! I am thankful to the College of Nursing, to have given me such wonderful opportunity.-Tan Yook Kei, Diploma class of 2020/1, Penang Adventist College of Nursing.