Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. ~ Matthew 5:14, KJV
The College [of Medical Evangelists] cherishes its church relationship, and it encourages a respect for the creed and organizational Christianity; but it recognizes that a personal devotion to Christ transcends all loyalties. Medical evangelism is not a tool, a weapon, or a convenient device; it is the manifestation of God’s implanted love in the heart of one who is competent to serve and who sees each patient as a needy child of God.
The Good Samaritan was touched by the deepest emotions known to the heart of man. His goal was not to transfer the religious allegiance of the suffering man from Jerusalem to Samaria. Indeed, he did not know that an account of his benevolence would be published in the world’s greatest book and be read by millions. It was a labor of love.
The founding of CME was a labor of love. Its maintenance and support through the years have been sustained as a Christian act. Christian service is the goal of the graduates who best represent their alma mater…
CME can never tell its full story. Nevertheless, its mission is clear; its mandate is certain. The College will serve God and society if it continues to mobilize all its resources to make man whole.
–William Frederick Norwood (1904-1988) was dean of LLUSM from 1945 to 1951. He also taught history of medicine at LLU.