Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. ~ Proverbs 3:5-6, KJV

In 1895, I graduated from the Collegiate Course at Union College, [Lincoln,] Nebraska. At that time, our denominational medical school, the American Medical Missionary College at Battle Creek [Michigan] and Chicago was just being organized…. I entered the first class in the school and took three years of my medical course there….

My fourth year in medical school was taken at Cornell University Medical College in New York City [New York]. The idea at the time in my taking one year of work in one of the larger and best recognized schools was that I might possibly be better able to help in the teaching in our own school. At the time when I graduated in New York City, I was greatly tempted to spend a period of years in New York, as I had very flattering opportunities offered me there. After weeks of indecision and counsel and prayer in the matter, I finally decided to go back and to connect with my own institution, our own medical school.

After remaining with the work of the school and sanitarium for five years, conditions arose which made it seem advisable for me to take up self-supporting, independent work. I therefore removed to Kentucky and spent three years in private practice. Following that, I spent three teaching at the State University Medical Department in Tennessee. Conditions then arose which made it seem advisable for me to take up private practice again, which I did.

At the end of three years, I was finally persuaded that it was my duty to [re]connect with the work here in Loma Linda. In coming to this final decision, the determining influence in the matter was believing that the school was of divine origin. This belief was based on the conviction that instruction for the school’s founding came to our people through the Spirit of Prophecy.

And, in moving to Loma Linda, this conviction, that the work has been established in line with the direct purpose of God and that in taking up the work here we must step out upon faith alone, became the uppermost thought in my mind. This conviction has remained with me and is the determining influence in all of our decisions….

As I look back over the experiences of my life during the last twenty years or more, notwithstanding the fact that I have not had any particular financial prosperity or advantages, I have, as it seems to me now, been led in every time of decision to do that thing which my conscience told me to do, often the thing which was entirely contrary to my own desires and leading away from what seemed to be the path of prosperity.

Newton G. Evans (1874-1945) was president of CME from 1914 to 1927 and professor of pathology for LLUSM. He was dean of LLUSM from 1944 to 1945. This adapted devotional is from a July 23, 1916, letter he wrote a prospective medical student. The Medical Evangelist remembered Dr. Evans as the “grief of self.”