Weekly Newsletter- May 18, 2018

Teach me thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path.
(Psalm 27:11, KJV)

Teach me, dear Lord, that the hypertrophy of the head is more deadly than the hypertrophy of the heart, that the hyperacidity of unforgiveness is more distressing than the “heartburn” of an ulcer.

Help me to live so that I can lie down and sleep each night, with a clear conscience, without bromide or barbiturate, and unhaunted by the faces of those to whom I have charged fees.

Grant, I beseech Thee, the power to focus my eyes on the distant goal of heaven– eyes undimmed by the blurring myopia of fame or fortune. Keep my ears alert to the call of duty, undeafened by the clinking of polluted dollars.

Guide my mind and hand as I administer healing potions to suffering patients; [and] help me to remember that the hypodermic needless should be tempered with the therapy of sympathy; the tonics enhanced by the stimulant of kindness; the transfusions aided by the nourishment of tenderness.

And then, when the last patient has been comforted, when the stethoscope, journals, and books have been laid aside, may my last call be Thy call, as I rest in [the] peace which Thou only can send. Amen.

-Wilfed J.Snodgrass (1913-1981), LLUSM class of 1938